GCG Board Members & Committees

The seven Officers of GCG are elected each summer and installed at the September Meeting. They are responsible for the administration of the grotto business. But, that doesn't mean they do all the work. Their success, and the grotto's well-being, depends on the help and support they receive from the membership. Don't wait to be asked ... please step up and help wherever and whenever you can.
Position Officer
Chair Kyle Kreutz
Vice-Chair Chris Bauer
Treasurer Adam Mathis
Secretary Mike Wuerth
Editor Katlyn Coleman
Conservation Debbie Hellkamp
Librarian Matt Sumner

(Email them all at:   )

Committee Chairs   (** = Standing Committees)
Membership ** Gary Bush
Audit ** Adam Mathis
Equipment ** Aaron Bird (acting) (redacted ... see NSS Member Directory)
GSP ** Debi Pavey
K-O-R Co-Chairs Megan Gaskin
          " Matt Sumner
Outreach Darryl Marsh
Cave Mapping Beau Gergel
Vertical Co-Chairs Stephanie Suen
          " Chris Bauer
Social Media Katlyn Coleman
Cave Rescue Stephanie Suen
Scout Leader Training Wendy Orlandi
Technology Danny Young
Public Education Rai Bosch
Grotto Operations Dennis Green
Museum Center --(Open)--